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Read some of our most common questions.

IT Managed Services FAQs

On-boarding and Off-boarding fees are included at no extra cost.

Depending on the complexity and whether leased equipment is involved, there may be costs associated. However, based on our experience, most projects do not incur additional fees.

We will conduct an assessment during your on-site evaluation or upon enrollment in our Managed Services Plan. If we find that your equipment does not meet our quality standards or identify more cost-effective licensing or purchasing options, we will either lease our standard networking equipment to you at no additional cost or recommend suitable purchases. However, based on our experience, most projects do not incur additional fees.

Our contracts span over a period of three years, with the option to terminate in the first or second year if our service does not meet your expectations. We also offer a one-year plan, but choosing the three-year option may qualify you for a discount.

Our IT Managed Services monthly bill covers a comprehensive range of support and maintenance activities. Clients are expected to procure their own equipment, such as laptops, phones, and other devices for new employees.

Our managed services plan includes all necessary user licenses and tools required for managing each user, ensuring they are fully equipped for their roles without additional fees. For a detailed breakdown of all charges, including any potential penalties and comprehensive pricing information, please refer to our Master Service Agreement (MSA), provided upon signing up for the IT Managed Service plan.

Printer installation, management, and support come as part of our complimentary services. If you’re in need of a printer, we suggest reaching out to a local MPS (Managed Print Services) provider, and we’re here to help you find the perfect match. Additionally, any printer-related equipment such as toner and maintenance kits will be purchased by the contract holder or the MPS provider.

We are dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition to Office 365, providing you with comprehensive support and all the features outlined in your contract. Depending on the services and complexity, we may keep you on Google Workspace, but we generally prefer transitioning to Office 365 for optimal performance, security, and device monitoring.

Yes we do! IT projects are unique, with specific goals and requirements. To ensure clarity and success for each initiative, we offer a detailed Statement of Work (SOW) post-consultation. The SOW serves as a formal agreement that outlines the scope, objectives, and timeline of the project, as well as the responsibilities of all parties involved.

After an initial consultation to understand your needs and the challenges you face, our team of experts will craft a tailored SOW. This document will provide a clear roadmap for the project, including deliverables, milestones, and a transparent pricing structure. Our goal is to ensure that all aspects of the project are well-defined, aligning perfectly with your business objectives to facilitate seamless execution.

This approach not only sets clear expectations but also establishes a strong foundation for accountability and success. By outlining specific tasks, required resources, and expected outcomes, we mitigate risks and provide you with confidence in the investment you are making in your IT infrastructure.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your systems, implement new technologies, or optimize existing processes, our SOW provides you with a comprehensive plan that is designed to meet your specific needs and deliver measurable results.

IT Project Services FAQs

Our project expertise includes but is not limited to:

  • Network Installations and Upgrades: Whether setting up a new office or upgrading an existing network, we provide robust solutions for both wired and wireless network configurations to enhance connectivity and performance.

  • Cloud Solutions: We assist with cloud migration, setup, and management services, helping businesses leverage cloud computing’s scalability and flexibility. This includes services for public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures.

  • Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Planning: We provide strategic planning and implementation of data backup and disaster recovery solutions to ensure business continuity in the event of data loss or system failures.

  • VoIP Solutions: Our projects also include the installation and setup of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems to enhance communication capabilities while reducing operational costs.

  • Cabling Services: we specialize in providing comprehensive cabling solutions tailored to your specific needs.

  • IT Consultation and System Assessment: We offer consultation services to evaluate your current IT infrastructure and recommend improvements or new technologies that align with your business objectives.

Here’s how we define the scope and deliverables:

  1. Initial Consultation:

    • Every project begins with a detailed discussion with you, our client. During this initial consultation, we aim to understand your specific needs, challenges, and objectives. This helps us gather essential information that shapes the project’s framework.

  2. Requirements Gathering:

    • We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the requirements by collaborating closely with your team. This includes technical specifications, business goals, and user needs which are crucial for aligning the project’s deliverables with your expectations.

  3. Statement of Work Document:

    • Based on our discussions and the requirements analysis, we create a Statement of Work Document. This document outlines the project’s objectives, deliverables, timeline, and detailed descriptions of the tasks to be performed. It serves as a blueprint for the entire project.

  4. Deliverables Specification:

    • Each deliverable is clearly defined with specific criteria for completion. This includes the necessary steps to achieve each deliverable, the resources required, and the expected outcomes. We ensure that these are measurable and aligned with your strategic objectives.

  5. Review and Approval:

    • Before any work begins, the Statement of Work Document and Deliverables Specification are presented to you for review. We encourage feedback and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that the scope fully meets your needs.

  6. Project Planning and Milestones:

    • With the scope and deliverables agreed upon, we develop a detailed project plan. This includes a timeline with milestones to monitor progress and manage deadlines effectively. Each milestone is associated with specific deliverables and outcomes, providing regular checkpoints to ensure the project remains on track.
  7. Communication and Updates:

    • Throughout the project, we maintain open and consistent communication with you. Regular updates are provided through your preferred channels to keep you informed of our progress and any adjustments needed due to unforeseen challenges.
  8. Halfway Delivery and Feedback:

    • Upon the project’s halfway point, we ensure that all deliverables meet the agreed-upon standards and your overall satisfaction. We also conduct a project review to gather feedback, which helps us continuously improve our processes.

  9. Final Delivery and Feedback:

    • Upon project completion, we ensure that all deliverables meet the agreed-upon standards and your overall satisfaction. We also conduct a project review to gather feedback, which helps us continuously improve our processes.

We understand that each project is unique, with specific requirements and goals that can significantly influence the timeline. Therefore, we do not have a one-size-fits-all timeline; instead, our project durations are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client and the complexities of their IT infrastructure.

If a change to the scope is needed, we ask that clients submit a detailed change request. This request should outline the nature of the change, the reasons behind it, and any anticipated impacts on the project.

we tailor our pricing to the unique needs and scope of each project to ensure that our clients receive the most value. Our project rates are determined based on several factors including the complexity of the project, the technology required, and the resources needed to successfully deliver the solution.

Pricing Model:

  • Fixed Price: For projects with well-defined scopes and deliverables, we often recommend a fixed pricing model. This ensures that you know the exact cost upfront, providing clarity and predictability for budget planning.

  • Time & Materials: For projects that may evolve or where the full scope is not initially clear, we may suggest a time and materials approach. This allows for flexibility in adjusting the scope based on your changing needs and ensures you only pay for the time spent and resources used.

Here are some examples of projects we have completed:

  1. Hard Drive Upgrades:

    • We have upgraded storage solutions for numerous clients, transitioning from traditional hard drives to SSDs for enhanced performance and reliability.

  2. Server Upgrades:

    • Our team has handled server upgrades to improve infrastructure scalability and efficiency. This includes upgrading older servers to new, high-performance models, implementing virtualization, and optimizing server software configurations.

  3. Access Point (AP) Installation:

    • We’ve installed and configured wireless access points for enhanced Wi-Fi coverage and performance in offices, educational institutions, and large retail spaces, ensuring secure and robust wireless connectivity.

  4. Denvo Projects:

    • Our work with Denvo involved setting up specialized IT environments tailored to support their unique software and operational needs, focusing on both hardware and network configurations.

  5. Cable Jobs:

    • We’ve completed extensive cable management projects, including structured cabling for new office setups and network overhauls, ensuring organized and efficient network infrastructures.

  6. Network Upgrades:

    • Our network upgrade projects involve replacing outdated network components with cutting-edge technology to support increased data throughput and improved security measures.

  7. Office Building PC Refreshes:

    • We regularly conduct full-scale PC refresh projects, replacing old desktops with new, high-performance models, including setup and configuration to ensure seamless transition for all users.

  8. iPad Rollouts:

    • For educational institutions and businesses, we’ve managed the rollout of iPads, including device procurement, system configuration, and deployment, ensuring devices are ready for immediate use.

Here’s how we manage communication:

  1. Dedicated Points of Contact:

    • Each project is assigned a dedicated project manager who serves as your primary point of contact. This person is responsible for keeping you informed and addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

  2. Regular Updates:

    • We provide regular updates at key project milestones and upon completion of specific tasks. This ensures you are always aware of the current status and any developments in the project. Additionally, we send immediate notifications when work begins and as soon as it is completed, keeping you closely informed of progress.

  3. Scheduled Meetings:

    • Depending on the scale and duration of the project, we schedule weekly or bi-weekly meetings to discuss the project’s progress, upcoming steps, and any issues encountered. These meetings can be adjusted in frequency according to your preference and project needs.

  4. Real-Time Communication Tools:

    • We use advanced communication tools that allow for real-time updates and feedback. These tools are accessible both to our team and yours, facilitating seamless communication throughout the project.

  5. Transparent Reporting:

    • We provide detailed reports that include what has been accomplished, what is in progress, and planning for the next stages of the project. These reports are designed to give you a comprehensive overview and ensure that all details are communicated clearly.

  6. Feedback Mechanism:

    • Your input is valuable to us, and we include mechanisms for you to provide feedback throughout the project. This helps us adjust our approach as needed to better meet your expectations and project requirements.
  1. Immediate Assessment and Communication:

    • If a project is at risk of not meeting specifications or deadlines, we will promptly assess the situation to determine the cause of the discrepancy. We will communicate these challenges and any potential impacts to you as soon as they are identified.

  2. Collaborative Review and Action Plan:

    • We engage with you to review the project discrepancies in detail. This collaborative approach ensures that we fully understand your concerns and expectations. Together, we develop an action plan to address the deviations, which may include modifying project scopes, adjusting timelines, or reallocating resources to ensure alignment with the original objectives.

  3. Root Cause Analysis:

    • We conduct a thorough analysis to identify the root causes of the deviation from the agreed-upon specifications or deadlines. This helps in preventing similar issues in future projects and ensures continuous improvement in our service delivery.

  4. Implementing Corrective Measures:

    • Based on the action plan and root cause analysis, we implement the necessary corrective measures. This might involve additional training for our team, revising our project management approaches, or enhancing our communication protocols.

  5. Regular Updates and Transparent Communication:

    • Throughout the corrective process, we maintain open and transparent communication with you. We provide regular updates on the progress of the revised project plan to ensure that you are fully informed and involved in the recovery process.

  6. Formal Apology:

    • We formally apologize for any inconvenience caused by not meeting the agreed specifications or deadlines.

  7. Evaluation and Feedback:

    • Once the project is back on track and completed, we conduct a post-project evaluation. This evaluation involves your feedback to ensure your satisfaction with the resolution and to discuss any lessons learned. This step is crucial for us to improve our processes and prevent future issues.

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